Our highly qualified Behavioral Health Clinicians are fully supported by our healthcare team to cover all aspects of total and complete health.
Our highly qualified Behavioral team consist of:
B o a r d C e r t i f i e d B e h a v i o r a l A n a l y s t ( B C B A )
Conducts the Behavioral Assessment to formulate and supervise a successful and customized treatment plan.
(BCBA) Responsible for successfully implementing treatment plans developed by the BCBA and works closely with the RBT, patients and families to accomplish the goal.
Provides home and community-based ABA services. This includes the implementation of a treatment plan developed by our (BCBA) addressing communication, behavior, feeding, ADLs and social skills.
Our goal is to remediate delays and maximize potential. We offer individual and small group services in our therapy center.
Therapists have many years of experience, are accredited and insured to practice privately.
Our therapists have met selection criteria and are vetted to ensure you receive the best support.